Morgan Moments

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


You know that scene in "The Notebook" where Ally and the guy played by Ryan Gosling (forgetting the character name here) are lying in the middle of the street just for fun? Well, I did that today, except for a few different variables such as: I was by myself, there was no stoplight AND it is in the middle of snowstorm. It's amazing how lying in 2 feet deep snow, in the middle of the road making a snow angel can make you feel great!!

It's a snow day today...the words every child looks forward too in the middle of winter....and let me say, teachers too!! They are calling it the BIG STORM of 2007 and its definetly the most snow we have seen around these parts in years. The snow is still falling hard and the wind is blowing. My parents and I tackled the driveway already, however we only got halfway. We're opting for the snowblower this time!!

I think the kids knew a snow day was coming yesterday cause they were all a little nutty! I've definetly had some ups and downs in teaching lately. Supply teaching is such a different ball game than having your own class. I've realized that I really have to approach it very differently than I would if I had my own class. I cannot really teach how I would teach, or manage the class how I feel best becuase I am always stepping into someone elses territory. Not to mention you are already lower on the respect scale since you are not their REAL teacher. Somedays I feel so on top of it and I love all the kids I meet and then I know for sure I want to teach that grade. And then the next day, I'll teach the same grade in a different school and my perspective totally changes. I've been teaching everything from kindergarten to grade 8 and still can't say for sure what grade I would love to teach consistently. Each age has their frustrations and joys. I guess that's what teaching is all about though.

It's funny that it takes a snow day for me to post anything significant about my life. I guess it's just the spontaneity of a day off and knowing that your stuck at home to allow time for things that you neglect to do the rest of the time.
I've been thinking and learning a lot lately about selfishness. Its so crazy how ingrained it is in our nature and how, even though we acknowledge it in our life, it so subtley and slowly creeps back in all the time. Its a constant battle with ourselves. Maybe easier for some than for others, but its always there. I think the hardest part of the battle is our tendancy to justify our thoughts and desires as something we are DESERVING of. But the opposite is true. We fact, we are worthy of nothing and its only by the grace of God we are given anything.

I struggle with anxiousness and worry sometimes and if I think about it, probably the root of it all is because I want things to turn out MY way......again, selfishness! I decided to start battling this problem by posting this verse on my wall right in my line of view as I sit at my desk. I really believe that the only solution to our human problem of selfishness is to constantly fill our minds with what is TRUE, RIGHT and GOOD and allow God to change our perspective from self to others.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally brothers, whatever is TRUE, whatever is NOBLE, whatever is RIGHT, whatever is PURE, whatever is LOVELY, whatever is ADMIRABLE - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me - or seen in me- put it into practice! And the peace of God will be with you."
Phillipians 4:6-9


At 1:04 PM , Blogger Brad and Samantha said...

That is a good reminder Christine. Thanks! I often struggle with worrying/anxiousness as well. I can remember one day that there is no need to worry, and the next day I can completely forget. I guess it goes to show how much we need to be in God's word. Allowing Him to speak to us daily, and how we can do nothing without him. Hope the rest of your day off goes well!

At 7:32 AM , Blogger Leah said...

I've been wondering about you and all of that snow. How much snow do you have? In Arkansas (and the rest of the south for that matter) if we get 3-4 inches everything falls apart. They don't have the equipment here to clear the roads b/c we don't get snow very often so it's pretty tretcherous. Glad to know you're doing well. Thanks for sharing your heart.

At 2:56 AM , Blogger jenna and brianna konkle said...

ahhh, what a great blog...
you might over-think things sometimes, but, for the most part, i think your thoughts are so so valuable and God-honouring that I don't think it could be a negative thing.
and the S-N-O-W!! HOW IS IT that the first winter I'm gone is the storm to remember, huh? haha, pfft. NOt fair!
I love you,


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