Morgan Moments

Monday, December 11, 2006

100 things for you...

Okay, so I couldn't help but try this "Top 100" thing that everyone seems to be so, yes, I am falling into peer pressure here folks. Here goes...

1. hmmm, where do I start
2. Well, I like lists
3. I make too many of them
4. I maximize the useage of the 'stickie notes' feature on my computer
5. I'm trying to cut back
6. To weekly lists instead of daily lists
7. It isn't working
8. I worked today in a grade 7 class and really liked it
9. Some grade 7 classes I really DON'T like
10. I also home schooled a boy today
11. He wasn't into it
12. I tried to be, but wasn't either
13. Grade 8 math can be hard
14. But I actually like it
15. I also like Brad
16. Alot
17. He is working on his car right now
18. Which he does
19. Alot
20. Sometimes I don't like it
21. But I am learning to appreciate it
23. Brad and I wrapped Christmas presents last night
24. While we watched the final Amazing Race
25. And America's Funniest Home Video's
26. We both LOVE that show
27. I bought a new shirt today
28. And didn't buy the Christmas gift I went into the mall to buy
29. Why does that always happen?
30. I feel very selfish
31. I don't like that
32. And I know there is nothing I can do about it on my own strength
33. Which is probably a good thing
34. But being selfish is a bad thing
35. Cheating in games is also a bad thing
36. Which I did the other night in Eurche and won
37. Now I feel really guilty.
38. I think it will stay on my mind until I confess
39. My new favourite worship song is "Because of Your Love" by Paul Baloche
40. I am going to teach it in church on Sunday
41. It is really high to sing and I can't sing high
42. I will probably screech
43. It's happened before!
44. I need to change the strings on my guitar
45. I just learned to play John Mayer's "Waiting on the World to Change"
46. I can't stop playing it
47. My brother and his friends are watching Superman and all I can hear is the theme music right now
48. There are going to be alot of boys in the house over the next month
49. Could be good, could be bad
50. I can't believe I am only at 50
51. Who's idea was this anyway?
52. Okay I'll keep going...
53. When I was little, I loved dipping cucumbers in ketchup
54. I'm not sure what I was thinking
55. I still love ketchup
56. Just not WITH cucumbers
57. I should eat some cucumbers soon
58. I wonder if I eat enough vegetables
59. Probably not
60. Sometimes I get hungry headaches
61. Caffeine majorly affects me now
62. I had too much today
63. Now I am shaking
64. I ran on the treadmill to 'get it out of my system'
65. I have come to appreciate running
66. I always hated it
67. It helps me sort out my thoughts and allows me to de-stress
68. I always feel more tense in the winter because I'm shrugging my shoulders from the cold
69. I am not a fan of getting into a cold car
70. I keep forgetting to factor in 'scraping off and warming up the car' time in the morning
71. It makes me late
72. I am usually late for things
73. It bothers me ALOT
74. I am doing my best to work on it
75. It doesn't always work
76. I think my big TO DO list contributes to this
77. My bed looks pretty appealing right now
78. I get up at 7:00am
79. Only when I have to
80. I LOVE going out for breakfast
81. IKEA has $1.00 breakfasts
82. But the eggs are really fake
83. It's still worth it
84. Brad's work Christmas party is this Saturday
85. At the Fallsview Casino in Niagara Falls
86. We all get $100 free for gambling purposes
87. I hope you didn't believe me
88. I need to find an outfit for it
89. I have a hard time shopping for dressy clothes
90. I buy fleece instead
91. I'm not sure about my sense of fashion
92. I am only slightly worried about this
93. I got a FOX40 whistle from my friend Becky
94. Its bright pink and really really loud
95. I might use it in the classroom if I need to
96. My classroom managment strategies don't always work
97. Sometimes standing silent in front of a class WILL NOT quiet the class down
98. That is when i would blow my whistle!
99. I am still thinking about cheating in Euchre
100. I'll deal with it tomorrow...


At 6:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So was the cheating in the Euchre game that we played...or a different one...I was thinking that we could pick something out together for Saturday...I could maybe do your hair too...that would be fun...let me know if you are into that...because I sure would be into that!
Love you...Becky

At 4:36 AM , Blogger jenna and brianna konkle said...

aweee.I WANNA go SHOPPing for new dressy clothes for my bfs work party!..or at lEASt be in on your action. (N)..I'll be thinking about you guys as this wkd approaches..WHAT FUN! aaaand. Christine. just let me be the first to congratulate you on the EXcellent list of 100 things for me! ahhaha, i've been wAIting PATiently for a new blog of yours!
I pray that you and Becky, and Brad and Matt, of course, are having a JOYous Christmas season together...relazin' around, playin' euchre and that other boring game...SETTlers! love ya.


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