Morgan Moments

Friday, October 20, 2006

Rain, rain go away!!

I think I have S.A.D. - seasonal affectiveness disorder. It has been raining for I don't know how many days straight and I really really miss the sun. It seriously effects my mood. I just don't feel as happy and motivated as I usually do and want to curl up on the couch and watch T.V. instead of usually getting things accomplished. I love being outside as much as I possibly can and that has not really happened lately. Instead of enjoying the fall season as I usually do, I've been starting at it through the rain soaked window. If only the sun would shine through......
Mental note: When I have a place of my own, make sure there are a ton of windows!
The cold, rainy weather has also added a new dimention to my interesting array of teaching experiences this week. I started off the week in a JK/SK class jumped around to 5/6, then to a couple grade 3 classes, onto some learning disabled class and finally ending the week in another JK/SK class. My first kindergarten experience at the beginning of the week left me feeling pretty sure I would NOT want a kindergarten class of my own. I don't think I had all of them NOT talking at once. Its like my words went straight through their heads. As frustrating as it is, I recognize that this is pretty normal for this age group. Today's kindergarten experience was quite a bit different. I actually had twice as many kids and oddly enough, it went so much smoother. I was able to quiet the kids down when they needed to and even had them all paying attention during story time. I decided to take advantage and teach them a song on my guitar and they loved it. Anybody remember, "Listen to the Water"?? It is such an amazing feeling to have 20 little pairs of eyes staring straight at you and eating up every word you say. Those are the teachable moments I crave and motivate me to know my efforts are worth it.
I am looking forward to the weekend. Cyriac Joseph, my brothers friend from India, is visiting Canada and staying at our place for a night. He is sharing in our church on Sunday as well. It will be nice to finally meet him and spend some time getting to know him. It is also Brad's 26th birthday on Sunday so we have some fun family celebrations lined up. The weather man has even said that the sun might come out tomorrow, so I hope, I hope he isn't wrong this time.


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