Morgan Moments

Monday, November 27, 2006

this and that..

Just wanted to post a few pictures that I just took on my new camera. I am so pumped about this purchase since I have been looking forward to this for awhile...not only a new camera, but being able to buy one with my own income!! I researched it well and am happy with it. My favourite features...2.5" viewing screen (which totally makes the camera i think), unlimited video mode and 6 megapixels. Avery 'chill-axing' in her lounge chairTimmy's Christmas holiday 'ho ho' cups!!Gotta love the crocs!Out for an evening walk!

Not too much else to report for now. Its hard to believe that December is upon is though. The month is booking up fast with Christmas parties and get-togethers. I absolutely LOVE this time of year though..the anticipation of the holidays, friends and family coming home, running into people you haven't seen awhile...its the best!
I've been working a lot lately so thats been great. I was blessed with 4 full days at Vineland school last week. I don't know how often that will happen so I love it when it does. Teaching is FUN when I'm there. Today, on the other hand, was another challenging day at an inner city school in St. Catharines. As stressful as it is sometimes going into unknown territory, I know its for my own benefit as I continue to develop my teaching and classroom management skills.
Oh, just one quick teaching story from today while I'm at it...this one kid in the grade 6 class I was in this afternoon was driving me nuts...totally disrespecting me, being lazy and just asking way too many questions. So I'm winging a science lesson on space and saying enough so it looks like I know what I'm talking about, but not leading into too much so that the kids don't start asking questions about things I acutally have no idea about. We're talking about things orbiting in space and this kid puts his hand up to ask me about the moon's orbital patterns. Like I have any idea...and so as a good supply teacher would, I tell him he should talk to his real science teacher about it when she returns tomorrow. Welll, this kid looks at me like I am nuts and says, well why don't you know the answer, you're the teacher right now, your suppose to know all the answers. He was right...he continued how did you get to become a teacher anyways if you don't know how to answer my science question. Good the heck do I answer...ummm...i say to him after some hesitation...well, teachers do know a lot, but they don't know everything. he didn't look satisfied. would else could I do? kids!!!!!


At 5:13 AM , Blogger cara said...

hey christine, i loved that story about the kid who wanted all the answers!! haha. sounds like you handled it well. can't wait to see you super soon!! i really hope we're able to hang out lots in the coming months!! love you.

At 6:18 PM , Blogger jenna and brianna konkle said...

chrisTINE! thats riDICulous - i mean, of COURSE you don't know everything..that cheeky kid probably didn't realize he was shaking your confidence so. haha. awe, you are SUCh an amazing teacher Christine..i can not WAIT to have kids, and send them to your school in the hopes that they'll be fortunate enough to be in your class. [hopefully it won't be one of those AWKward situations where you're BASically their AUNT, teaching at their school, and they want to avoid family relations as much as possible..] LOL. no no, it'll be cool, we won't let it come to that!

oh to daydream in the phils..
theres nothin better

At 7:48 PM , Blogger Dave Heywood said...

Hey Christine, what kind of camera did you get? PS, nice croc shot. I have a few of those.

At 12:22 PM , Blogger Hannah said...

Hi Christine! You are a great and diligent blogger, I need to check back in more often! Thanks for your comment the other week, glad you appreciated our immature sense of humour with the fart machine haha! It looks like you have a good camera. I am currently researching as well for a good one. Sounds like you are learning a great deal teaching. Are you putting on any little christmas performances with the kids? They are so cute in Nativities!! I liked the post about your brothers, I agree you are a pretty special family, one I would indeed like to visit over the Christmas break! Lots of love and have a great day :)

At 8:33 PM , Blogger Christine said...

Dave...I got a Canon Powershot A540. The powershot A530 is pretty much the same and cheaper, but it only has a 1.8" screen and the big screen size was a big draw for me. I made the purchase at Best Buy, but I did notice it was slightly cheaper at Walmart actually. Happy camera shopping!!

At 7:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Christine,
it's Andrea and Sascha from Capes. We kind of stumbled over your blog (Lucky us). It is great to hear that you are doing so good. I still remember our talk in the car and to be honest your questions to us were really good for our relationship. It reminded us of a lot again and how much we just drifted in our marriage. Thanks again.

At 5:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been WAY too long!! I have some pretty great pics of that summer on Thetis, they always make me smile! :) I'm so glad that I've stumbled onto your blog! It's great to hear that you're doing so well!


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