Morgan Moments

Monday, May 29, 2006


So today was my first full day working on the farm. It was also the first smog and extreme heat alert day of the summer....yeah!! (said with quite a bit of sarcasm there!) It's not suppose to get this humid in May. I know I've worked through hotter temperatures, but 30 degrees in May with a humidity of 35 degrees is definetly hard to get used to. Today's work was spent suckering grapes. For those of you who aren't 'farm literate', that means breaking all the new shoots off the base of the vine so as to train the vine to grow properly. So you're basically bending over all day! In a strange way though, it actually felt kind of good to be sweating and feeling like I was working hard all day...even though I'm pretty sure I was working hard when I was teaching too. Just different. So working on the farm is actually only temperary while we are waiting for strawberries to be ready so the fruit stand/pie shop can be opened up, which is where I will really be working for the summer....while looking for a teaching job of course. I'm looking forward to being outside for most of the summer and just doing something different and relaxing while I focus on what's happening with my career. Wow...I could start a career soon....don't know if I really grasp that yet. Well, time for bed so I can get rested up for another hot and humid day. The picture is an example of what I'm working on right now, but not quite as grown in. It was taken from Stoney Rdige Winery at the end of my street actually. But I'm sure very similar to all the other vineyards in the region.


At 3:31 PM , Blogger Stephen and Amber said...

Wow! I came to your blog after not checking for awhile and you had a huge amount of new entries. It was good to catch up on everything. A few remarks:

- there is a different level of humidity here that I am thinking may resemeble what you get then I have ever experienced on the West Coast. Hot, muggy, and makes you sweat tons! I have not got used to it at all.

- I love the smell of fires. It evokes many good memories in my mind

- We just went to a Reds game, in the afternoon heat I must admit. I have actually been to a few in Toronto as well and remember being in awe of the location.

- Have a great summer working...drink lots of water, and keep us posted on the job prospects!

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