Morgan Moments

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Easter Everyone!

Well, Easter 2006 has now come upon us. I hope that everyone has a great weekend of relaxing, catching up with family and most importantly, remembering the sacrifice that was made on our behalf in order that we may experience life and relationship with God. I pray that my heart would be opened fresh again to the grace and mercy given to me so that I will express it others around me.
This weekend has felt refreshing to me in several ways. Not only is it a mental break from teaching and children talking to me every minute of the day, but its been great to be spiritually and emotionally refreshed as well. The weather has been beautifully sunny and warm, which naturally brings a whole new sense of motivation as well. Brad and I enjoyed a great day of cruising in his Morgan and we were able to stop in a visit some friends we've been wanting to catch up with. Both of us totally enjoying catching up with friends and that too brings refreshment for me. Isn't it great when you can drop in spontaneously on some friends you haven't seen in a couple months and instantly connect again, have lunch and chat like you haven't been apart? I love it.
Tomorrow morning is our Easter service and I am helping to lead a children's choir. I am quite excited about this actually since I would love to get into teaching music, so this has been a great learning experience for me. The kids are going to be so cute. I am going to play my guitar for them while they sing and I think we'll have some bongo's in there too. Should be good.
I am officially past the halfway mark in my teaching block...only 3 more weeks to go...and they are going to fly by. We are going to have so many interuptions from plays to concerts to track and field, that I am questioning whether or not I will be able to complete my unit on Ancient Egypt. I did a really neat thing with the kids this past week...I had them write letters to students in Namibia where my friend Cara has been teaching english. Cara had her students write letters to my students a while back when we first planned to do the exchange. So i finally told my students about it once I received them in the mail. They were sooooo excited about it. They could hardly sit still when I told them that I had letters in my hand from Namibia for them. So anyways, they each wrote back their own letter and I'm going to mail them off ASAP. I even took a short video of all the kids to email to the students. Very fun!!!
On Thursday, I had the kids do a little exercise in letter writing by asking them to write me a letter convincing me they shouldn't have homework on the Easter weekend. The purpose was to teach them about persuasive letter writing. Anyways, I'll post some excerpts later, but their arguements were quite funny. And they totally enjoyed the activity....even though they didn't convince me!!
Welll, that's all for this fine Saturday evening. Happy Easter everyone!!