Morgan Moments

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The latest...

Well, I thought I'd take a moment to fill in any of my curious readers on the latest happenings of the wedding planning process. Its all flying by so quickly already but I'm trying to enjoy it all. We have all the major decisions underway at this point so I feel good about that. The ceremony location is finalized, although we're trying to come up with a better name instead of just 'the Jordan Hollow'. And for those you who don't live around here, you wouldn't know that there is an old flea market down and there and a popular, yet extremely greasy breakfast joint nearby. We thought perhaps 'the Twenty Valley Trail' or 'GlenElgin" would give a better impression of a beautiful wedding location. Either way, its still a great spot. I have some fun ideas on decorating - since the wedding will be in the evening, possibly some cool torches along the trail leading up to the front of the ceremony - just one of the ideas! The reception will be held back up at my church immediatly following the ceremony. We are going for the party feel as opposed to the formal sit-down dinner feel. My friends jazz trio will be playing the background music while appetizers and desserts will be served. I think this style really represents Brad and I well and we are looking forward to just hanging out with all our friends and family in this way. As far as colours for the bridesmaids dresses go, I really had no set ideas on that but we've come to the conclusion of going with a limey, pistachio green. I know thats probably a really bad description, but there are a gazillion shades of green out there so you just gotta use your imagination. Flowers will probably be just really bright fun summer colours - mostly shades of orange and yellow. We met with a photographer the other night so I think we are set on going with her, we just have to confirm that yet. Oh ya, and the big one...the caterer. We've met with one and really love his ideas...just not his price!! We're going to meet with another one this weekend and do some comparing. Because we're going with a bit of a different style, we want someone who will do a great job at creating the atmosphere, not just making the food. Oh, wait, I forgot about the other big one...THE DRESS! Yes, I think I found it already. I don't have it in my hands, but I'm going in for the purchase tomorrow. I would describe it to you, but well, I need to take precautions should my future husband read my blog...which he actually rarely does since his excuse is 'he lives it'. Anyways, I'll just say that I love it and feel great in it. It was a little strange seeing myself in one for the first time, but it got more and more exciting the more I looked at myself. My head is a buzz with all the things that are left to do and l let me tell you, I've got quite a few lists going on right now. Its a good thing I've been praciting that for a while! I wake up every morning with some random thought about the wedding. I guess thats pretty normal. It's crazy how one little question can change so much in your life. I don't think I've ever felt so much excitement and so much uncertainty in my life at the same time. There are so many unknowns coming up in terms of WHERE we will live, if we will buy a house, if we will rent, if I will get a job in June or in September and where that might be or will I just continue supply teaching etc. etc. I know that everything will work itself out in the right time and that God has each and every step under control, its just another way that God is teaching me to trust and rest in his plan for my life.


At 5:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Christine,
I thought I would finally post a comment. I just wanted to let you know that Greg and I are so excited about the future God has in store for you and Brad and I wanted to let you know how happy we are for you! :)

At 6:58 PM , Blogger jenna and brianna konkle said...

okay okay.
so i KNOW i made you tell me al these details over the internet, and i KNOW you're not the usual girl-next-door girl, but christINE!
you've gotta save SOME surprise for the wedding!
USUALLy ppl don't find out about the colours until they receive an invite. i mean, sure the wedding party and close friends know, but EVERYone who reads your blog? lol.
wheres your sense of shOCk and surprise?!
and no, brad cannot see the bridesmaids dresses until the day of. why shOUld he?
i love you.
love jk

At 7:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Christine! It's so cool hearing about your wedding plans. I relate so much to what you're saying and thinking. It's all very exciting though and your wedding so far sounds fabulous. My wedding plans have been on hold for quite a bit as I sort out visa issues, but am looking forward to seeing Ali in 3 weeks! It's now agony being apart. Keep us up to date, and send me a pic of you in your dress (I'll send you one of mine!) Lots of love to you, all the way from Sydney! xxx

At 10:45 PM , Blogger jenna and brianna konkle said...

'the latest' anymore :P


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