Morgan Moments

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Back from B.C.

So I've returned home from my "western Canadian" adventure. I spent 2 weeks back out on Thetis Island working as summer staff in the kitchen at Capernwray. I wanted to get back out to the island for a bit this summer to not only reconnect with a lot of people and enjoy the beautiful location, but to be immersed in a serving environment again. I wanted to be refreshed spiritually and be reminded of the things the Lord taught me while I was there over 5 summers ago already. So much has changed in my life since I was last on staff and yet so many things are exactly the same at Capernwray. My time there was a refreshing experience, although I think most of the time we don't realize those things in the moment and only after the fact.It's interesting going back to such a spiritually significant place in your life and all of the sudden finding yourself so much more self-aware and conscience of all your thoughts, actions and words. But shouldn't this be how it is all the time? I know that God was working in my heart and challenging me to come back to Him again and remember the message of simple obedience, to allow His love and life to live through me and to submit myself to Him daily. I think I often get discouraged that I seem to be always learning the same lessons over and over but I am also learning that walking with the Lord will ALWAYS be a refining process and we will always be learning, growing and becoming more like Him. I am so thankful for His patience, grace and mercy with me. I don't want to think of where I would be without it.
One weekend I was able to get away from the island for a bit and spend some time with Rebecca Farnell. I think its been just over 3 years since we've last seen each other. I love the fact that the comfort of some friendships never change no matter how long its been since you've last been in touch. Bec came and picked me up from Chemainus and we took the leisurely 'ocean view' drive back up to Comox. We enjoyed a nice dinner out with her amazing Mom, spent the night at her apartment, went to church the next day and then drove back down to Nanaimo to meet up with my brother. It was a short, but sweet visit. Another highlight of being back out on Thetis was the opportunity to work on staff with my brother Jay. Its so cool to think how much he has changed in the past 6 years and that when I was a student, he was very much 'anti-bible school'. Now he is on staff!!! Its funny too that before they would have been MY litte brothers, now when I go back, I am THEIR big sister!! My brothers have established themselves quite well! Actually, it was quite funny, because a lot of the summer staff who had never met me before were anxious to meet Jay and Jeff's big sister and see how funny I must be since my brothers are quite hilarious. Well, I hope I didn't dissapoint cause I am quite different from my brothers, but I must admit, they are very funny. It made me proud as a big sister though to hear how highly everyone talked about them. Jeff will be returning next month for his LTS year. The rest of my time was spent working the kitchen with these guys!! Nice uniforms, eh!! My favourite was the hat!! Andy, Jordan and Donna are all amazing cooks and it was so fun working with them. They taught me some pretty cool stuff. There is a ton of work that goes into making meals for so many people, but they've got things down pretty good. On Tuesday nights in the summer, we did this dinner called BISTRO NIGHT and served up this amazing 6 course meal which included an anti-pasto appetizer platter, salad, homemade tortellini, rissotto, steak or seole, and one of three amazing desserts. It was so fun to prepare. Here's a couple shots of the meal. So ya, all in all an amazing time back out on the coast. I love how God just so specifically and unquiely plans out our lives with the experiences we will have and the people we will meet, even for a brief period of time, to refine our hearts and lives into His image. I am so thankful for the opportunity. I left Capernwray feeling a little anxious about the many uncertainties that lie ahead for me in the coming weeks and months ahead, but as my new friend Christina so simply reminded me, all of our uncertainties are completely CERTAIN to our heavenly father. And its true. Oh, how I wish I would remember that more often. Here are some random fun pics from the island.
Donna and I just 'testing' the brownies!!
The ladies in pink! Liz, Christine and I were all playing on the worship team together and were the only ladies in the room during the men's conference. So for some reason, we just all subliminally thought to accentuate the fact that we were woman and wear PINK!!! YEAH!!
The star fish I became close friends with! He's enjoying my back patio now!!
Baby Micah Glabraith, who arrived during my stay. I was so happy to be able to see him before I left!! What a cutesy wootsey!!
Some early morning kayaking out on little Hawaii.

The flounder we found on the shore. Yes, as you can see I was quite the chicken to pick it up with my hands, unlike Christina who looks actually interested in eating it!!

My Harbourview roomies!! Thanks girls for making my stay so great!!
Ah, the good 'ol Capernwray dock. Gotta love it!!
Well, that should summarize things up pretty good. Hopefully that makes up for the last month of 'non-postage'. I'm outta here!!


At 8:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Christine,
It was a blast having you come to capes and getting to know you. Thanks for sending me the pictures. There great!
God Bless, Donna


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