Morgan Moments

Thursday, February 16, 2006

to sleep or not to sleep

As I was driving home from school today, I decided to turn on a little talk was even AM station!! Yes, I listen to talk radio.....In fact, I recommend it. It's so interesting and you learn a lot....I know I'm a big geek. Actually, I think I'll make that my random life tip #2 - Listen to talk radio once in awhile. Do it, you might like it!!
So anyways, newstalk 1010 mostly talks about things going on in the news and debates them. Its great for learning to think critically about issues going on in the world and to learn how to defend a certain perpsective you might have. When I tuned in today, they were talking about this new area of research in the whole science world about creating this pill that would reduce our need for sleep. Apparently, you would be able to take this pill, sleep for 2 hours and wake up feeling like you slept a solid 8. Now I wasn't sure what I thought about this. On one hand, it would be so great. Just think about all the things you could accomplish in a day. What would you do with all the extra time? But on the other hand, doesn't that kind of go against human nature? I'm not sure what that would feel like.... only ever needing to close my eyes and sleep for 2 hours a day. What about feeling mentally rested? Isn't that just as important? Wouldn't freeing up an extra 6 hours of our day only make us busier? I thought I was already busy enough with 8 hours of sleep. Besides I don't know about the rest of you, but I LOVE sleeping!!
So what do you think?


At 11:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!


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