Morgan Moments

Sunday, January 22, 2006


For starters, the fish are still alive! Praise the Lord! I went out to check on them after I wrote that last post on them and I saw them move a little. And since we've had even milder weather this past week, they've been swimming around happily! Only a couple months to go and we're home free!
School seems to be a little boring for me right now. I think its because there really isn't anything due right now and so I tend not to work ahead on things. Ya, I've just reconfirmed the fact that I really do work better under pressure. There are actually a lot of things I could vent about school, but it would probably be better for me to refrain and keep a good attitude about things. But just as a summary, my classes are turning very repetitious and non-stimulating and I'm just plugging through to get to my next teaching block in about 6 weeks....what we all really want to be doing anyways.
Speaking of which, I found out about my next (and last) teaching placement...I will be at Vineland school, my old elementary school, in a grade 5/6 classroom. I am starting to get really nervous about it actually. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful to be placed in my own community and will actually know many of the kids in my class, I am just nervous about teaching the grade 5 AND 6 curriculum. Do you know what kinds of things kids learn about at that age? I'm going to have to do some serious studying! I don't remember all about 'forces acting on structures' or 'Canada's links to the world'. Here is a quote from the grade 6 math curriculum..."identify composite numbers and prime numbers, and explain the relationship between them" and "identify, through investigation, the quantities in an equation that vary and those that remain constant". YIKES!! I know I'll have lots of work ahead of me in preparing for 7 weeks of teaching! So I'm trying not to feel too guilty about enjoying a little more down time right now. However, I do need to be working on my resume and cover letter, getting letters of reference and all that fun stuff because the application process is starting up pretty soon. Its all a little overwhelming actually. There are so many steps in becoming an official teacher. Applying to this federation, to that organization, to the school boards and then to schools. And on top of all that, you need to be thinking of what your going to do in the summer, and then in the fall if you don't get a job for September. In one sense, not going back to school in the fall is a little bit freeing and weird at the same time. For the last 5 years of my life, I've had this routine going on. But now, its all changing. Who know's whats going to happen this year..... I cerntainly don't. I have some ideas, but only the Lord knows how it will all turn out. I guess thats kind of exciting really. Perhaps I should remind myself of that more often.
So I guess thats it for now. For some reason I thought I would have more to write about when I sat down, but nothing else is coming to me right now. Check ya!


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