Morgan Moments

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


I was looking through some old books and papers today and came across this writing on integrity so I thought I would share.

A person of integrity.....

...knows that being godly doesn't mean to try to have qualities like God, but to receive their quality from God.

...constantly works in the power of the Spirit to do what is right but never forgets that they are not perfect, just forgiven.

...does not act this way or that way depending on who is around, because they know that the reason they behave this way or that way is a living God who is always there - even when they are alone. not good because they have to be to deserve God's love, but can take joy in doing good things because they know that their activity will not make God love them any more or less than He does right now.

...recognizes that Christianity is true regardless of their 'experiences', but is not detached from 'experiences' because of this fact.

...pursues being 'set apart' for God by living a holy life, while not mistaking being 'set apart' for being 'set above' other people.

...knows that avoiding doing what is wrong is good, but that actively doing what is right is better.

...seeks Christ, not integrity.